Toska Lab
The Toska Lab at Johns Hopkins University is always exploring through research and innovation in epigenetics and novel cancer therapies. Find more information about our center areas, ongoing research, software, data, protocols and methods and other recent news.

Christopher Simpkins passes candidacy exam
Chris passes candidacy exam to become PhD candidate of the BCMB program at JH School of Medicine
Srushti Kittane passes candidacy exam
Srushti passes candidacy exam to become PhD candidate of the BMB program at JH Bloomberg School of Public Health
Eneda Toska, Utthaar Nayar and Jessie Tao featured in Breast Matters 2023 issue
Eneda Toska, Utthaar Nayar and Jessie Tao feature on Breast Matters 2023 issue where they author an article titled “Overcoming endocrine resistance”. Endocrine therapy resistance is the cause of most breast cancer deaths, so overcoming endocrine resistance would...
Toska Lab receives prestigious RO1 grant from NCI division of Cancer Biology
Toska Lab receives prestigious RO1 grant from NCI division of Cancer Biology
Toska Lab celebrates the awarding of recent grants
The Toska lab celebrated the recent awarded grants of the lab.
Dr. Eneda Toska wins AACR’s Cancer Research Early Career Award
Dr. Eneda Toska wins AACR Cancer Research Early Career Award that early career investigators for their outstanding contributions to cancer research. Watch the interview with Eneda Toska, PhD, recipient of the 2023 Cancer Research Early Career Award. Dr. Toska speaks...
Bryce Wozniak joins the Toska Lab
Bryce Wozniak joins Toska Lab to pursue his PhD with the BMB program in the JH Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Bujamin Vokshi, PhD joins Toska Lab
Bujamin Vokshi, PhD joined the Toska lab as a postdoc from Institute of Genetics and Molecular Cellular Biology (IGBMC) from Strasbourg, France. Welcome Bujamin!
Toska Lab celebrates the recent awarded grants
Toska Lab celebrates the recent awarded grants of the lab.
Eneda Interviewed on Albanian National Television
Eneda gave an interview on Albanian National TV (TVSH) to talk about her research program and raise awareness on breast cancer early detection.
Eneda was recently featured in the Breast Matters Issue of 2022
New faculty member Eneda Toska, Ph.D., M.S., is working with the Women’s Malignancies Program and Cancer Invasion and Metastasis Program to better understand how breast cancers resist endocrine (hormone directed) and other targeted therapies. Her research laboratory...
Ryan presents her data in breast cancer at AACR conference
Ryan presents her data on SMYD2 regulating the chromatin modifier KMT2D in breast cancer at AACR conference 2022 in New Orleans
Christopher Simpkins joins the Toska Lab
Christopher Simpkins joins the Toska Lab to pursue his PhD (May 2022)
Toska Lab is Partner of Choice with Astrazeneca Pharmaceuticals
Toska lab gets selected as Partner of Choice for a grant with Astrazeneca Pharmaceuticals
PI3K-mediated splicing in breast cancer is published in Cancer Research
Our paper on PI3K-mediated splicing in breast cancer is published in Cancer Research (March, 2022). Congrats to Ryan, Srushti, Adler, and Yuhan from the Toska Lab. See the publication here:...
Eneda awarded an R21 grant from NCI
Eneda gets awarded an R21 grant from NCI on the role of SWI/SNF complex in endocrine therapy resistance.